
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Craft review book!


I'm working on a review of the handbook of the silk ribbon embroidery! If any one likes silk ribbon embroidery, feel free to comment with what aspects you'd like to learn about! (Can't wait for the camera to upload the pictures!)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Judge nothing

Twitter showed me another gem the other day. This time, it was an inspirational quote.
Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest. -Sri Chinmoy

It makes me feel very inspired and grateful for those who forgive my little oddities :) What do you love right now?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Share your crafty blogs (yes, even your own!)


How is it going? Hope that this day finds you well!

I'm procrastinating watching Drive me Crazy with Melissa Joan Hart (I love her character transformations!) and procrastinating going to the gym. It made me wish that I had more crafty blogs to pour through and procrastinate with!

Have a blog to share?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Crafters do it right! Whats your wish list?

This is beautiful, handmade Crafters Scrap book is a testament to why handmade is so much better than mass commercialism. Look at how the colors blend with the personal touch of the bobbin and buttons!

I'd totally be happy to find this under my tree.

Whats your Etsy find that you'd like to find under the tree?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Jar Toppers

Have you ever received a Gift in a Jar?

I remember being given the most wonderful hot cocoa in a jar from an elderly neighbor when I was a child. Hot chocolate was sort of my thing when I was in junior high - I was from California transplanted to Ohio; I lived in thick, fuzzy sweaters and sipping on cocoa.

This year; I'm working on my own gifts in a jar - specifically the ones on page 131 in the Big Book of Christmas Quickies. I'll be sure to photograph the finished pieces!

I'm still shopping around for recipes if you have any ideas!

I am eyeing this blog post:

Don't they look delicious?