I hope that this finds you well. Today, I am preparing a card for my father. This has made me look over my past work on cards for men and consider how other card creators choose their manly men cards. Do you go for his favorite color? Something funny?
I do choose to stick to floral arrangements, but with a little twist:
1: Using a masculine color, such as blue with a darker colored AIDA linen

2. Using different flowers that come in blue, yello
w & purples instead of flowers more commonly associated with women, such as roses. In this card, I used foxgloves in pink (yes, in pink!) blue & purple and a cross stitched blue flower.

I used dark blue delphinium, white daisies and a yellow daffodil. I also used a 'patchwork' style of stitching the blue aida with the embroidery onto a white aida background. My father enjoys quilts with scenes (such as bird dogs, hunting) and he enjoyed the texture of the card.
Show off some of your cards for men in the comment sections here.
These card have been re - listed and can be found here:
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