- is that he brings me presents! You'll recall that I already received the awesome pin cushion set up from http://www.etsy.com/shop/lornabateman22 earlier this week. (You also may like to check out her kits!)
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of a new set of Aida cloth from http://www.etsy.com/shop/YarnGraphics I have bought a 'Box o Fabric' from YarnGraphics in the past and I was happy with the value I received. She really ensured that box was packed with fabric.
I've recently purchased a transfer pen that creates iron transfers from ordinary paper for this Aida cloth. I plan on coming out with some new pin cushions! I even added a new section on my shop for it. Yarn Graphics is having awesome destash sales if you need to pick anything up. I picked up these 6 Aida pieces for 8 dollars, including shipping!
Let me know if you find any awesome pieces, I have faith that you will. I'm back to adding potpourri to the new sachets :)
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