
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Musing about offering silk ribbon projects


Thanks for stopping by.  I am thinking about offering my own silk ribbon embroidery projects.  I have been spending some time surveying Etsy while spending hours breastfeeding and it strikes me how expensive many of the kits offered on Etsy are.  Now I know one person hand dyes her crafts which understandably adds cost and time on her part.  However if you work out how much silk ribbon costs per yard for those offering pre - manufactured ribbon like Bucilla, the cost seems prohibitive.

I have been collecting silk ribbon through sales & as gifts for many years and have quite the stash (although I never seem to have enough 7 mm pink and forest green!) and I wonder if I can offer an affordable kit, only charging for materials and time for creating the kit.  The one thing that gives me pause is the instructions- I work much better through Youtube videos than describing the lay of the ribbon on paper.  I believe that I will begin an attempt by sharing one project that I plan to draft tomorrow during my 'me' time.  Perhaps you'd like to sew along with me?  Check back during the week to see the project!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Crafty mommy


I hope that this finds you well.  I have been very busy as many changes have happened in my family.  Due to some child care conflicts,  I decided to stay home and become full time mommy to our little lovebug.  I thought that this meant lots of free time!  Boy, was I wrong.  Babies need snuggles and enrichment time...

Our little one grew so strong.  He's now my little inch worm, rocking his bottom when he sits in my lap to tell me to help him to sit and to stand. 

We're still not sure about this 'food' stuff.

My little one loves his twenty minute naps.  He hates to close his eyes for fear of missing anything.  I have set up a laptop in the nursery and when he settles down in his swing to sleep, I promote my shop on Twitter and sew my silk ribbon embroidery.

  I'm hoping to do a homemade Christmas this year.

I have reached into my stash for my vintage iron on patterns and modern silk ribbon embroidery books.  I am searching for useful patterns to make for my family - a sewing bag, a sunglasses case and sachets.  I love making sachets - they are so fun to free embroider.  Here are two of my own patterns

Due to my time constraints, I started to use iron on patterns.  I haven't fallen in love with them- I don't like being locked into specific stitches.  I also have a problem with a silk ribbon embroidery on a picture frame- an iron on pattern on Black Bucilla moire fabric.  Try to iron on a pattern on Black fabric.  The best I can decide is to order special quilting pencils in pink or yellow and hold the pattern to a light box.  Its going to be a trial.

So far I have finished three silk ribbon embroidery stitching - two hearts and one horse shoe with floral pattern for a sachet.  I want to attempt to make small pillows for the hearts.  I also pulled out my old cross stitch book from three years ago when I found out that my mother in law loves handmade ornaments.  Now I'm stitching a little mouse!

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you back to see the pictures of my Christmas gifts!